On December 30, 2019, the Eugene Planning Commission approved a “quick fix” to the remand of the proposed market-rate (expensive) Lombard Apartments. In essence, the project has simply been downsized by ONE unit! This is unacceptable to community members advocating for affordable housing and protection of the precious Willamette River Greenway.
Upon extensive legal review and advice, the Greenway Guardians elected not to file an additional claim with the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA).
This in no way means we are abandoning efforts to promote environmental and social justice. We are moving forward on several options to protect the land from this egregious development by out-of-state profiteers.
Stay tuned & thank you for your continuing support!
Three acres of open space and class 1 soil located on the bike path was sold by Homes for Good, ("Lane County's hub for affordable, low-income housing and services.") It was sold not for affordable housing but for an out of state developer to build expensive, market-rate apartments.