Greetings, Friends and Neighbors!
Please join us TODAY from 1-3pm, Sunday the 10th of June, for a parkside gathering, with nature walks, sno cones, music and speakers. The Greenway Guardians will be on site just north of Maurie Jacobs Park, to answer questions, give some history and engage over our shared goal of keeping profit-greedy out-of-state pave-and-run developers from ruining our public green spaces while offering little to nothing to our city's housing where it is needed, while possibly condemning properties and displacing current residents.
Please come, take a walk through, meet with other concerned neighbors, sign the petitions, get the latest updates, enjoy a sno cone and some tunes, and learn how you can support health and vitality along the West Bank Greenway, for future generations to enjoy!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We love you, -The Greenway Guardians